Monday, April 15, 2019

new podcast on Healing Lighting

Hi Everyone who is interested in lighting and being enlightened.

I am pleased to announce a 60+ min podcast on Healing Lighting that just
posted with Spectrum of Health. Listen to the podcast for understanding how
lighting with Natural order is healing and restoring our cells and minds; bringing
us in peaceful, happy, and conscious life. Enjoy your growth with conscious lighting!

Link to podcast



  1. Thanks this was great. As a healer empowering overwhelmed women survivors to realign with nature so they can feel at home and free in their bodies, this was very illuminating and helpful. ♡

  2. Thank You Kianna Love for kind words. Indeed, in Nature
    we become peaceful, and with peaceful minds we can
    unlock the internal portal to divine and healing light.
    Unaltered natural light, is a true source of healing.
    May Light be with you and illuminate your path.
